Moonstone is all about that tender loving care. Said to represent tenderness, the cloudy radiance of this stone encourages you to let go of tensions. Not only will it bring you back into a place of love with yourself, moonstone healing properties are also said to reignite the love between romantic partners. This could be due to moonstone’s ability to ease hot tempers.
You’re not yourself when you’re angry. To make sure that you’re always representing your true intentions, and not letting flared emotions speak for you, stay in touch with the energy of moonstone.
Moonstone is a magical crystal that puts you back in touch with your divine feminine and inner goddess. For those days when you’re feeling hopelessly lost or uninspired, remember the power you have within. Unlock your potential, and shine brightly with unlimited possibilities.
It helps you to unlock the energy of the Moon that resides within you, thereby keeping you in a more balanced state of tranquillity.
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